Change management projects

When adapting your processes or organisation in a controlled manner, an objective and accurate partner is required. Juris has the experience and tools to optimally manage such projects.

Together with your employees, we provide insight into the current organisation layout and how it should look in the future. We do so by analysing the core of laws and regulations, products and services, procedures and organisations and their relations. Subsequently, all of these elements are documented and visualised in a Decomplexification Model©. By demonstrating the existing and/or future situation, it becomes clear what exactly is changing and how a set of changes can be interdependent. The simple way of presenting the matter reveals the necessity and urgency of change and cooperation for all parties involved. This often leads to easier execution of the change management project. Moreover, we provide arguments for prioritising changes and the order in which they should occur, making use of our methods and services.

Change management projects often involve various optimisation issues. Our combined experience, knowledge of your organisation and of the latest methods and techniques regarding rule management, makes us your ideal partner.