06 jan 2013 | New structure of the judicial system in the Netherlands

The judicial system in the Netherlandsis has a division districts, each with its own court. Each district court is made up of a maximum of five sectors, which always include the administrative law, civil law, criminal law and sub-district law sector. Appeals against judgements passed by the district court in civil and criminal law cases can be lodged at the competent Court of Appeal; appeals against administrative law judgements at the competent specialised administrative law tribunal - the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State, the Central Appeals Tribunal or the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal, also known as Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry, depending on the type of case. Appeals in cassation in civil, criminal and tax law cases are lodged at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands.

Until last year there were 19 districts and 5 Courts of Appeal. Since january 1st there are only 10 districts and 4 Courts of Appeal. For more infomation click here.