Our publications

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Simplify EU compliance using Visuall
Today, companies operating in the European Union are subject to many existing and new regulations and complex policies.Visuall provides your organization with a comprehensive overview of all EU legislation and its impact on your operations, enabling you to collect, manage, and build a robust compliance framework around all relevant regulations.
Gaining control over AML
Complying with Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations is nearly impossible without adequate tool support. A dynamic and customised Obligations Register will help price conscious high-growth financial institutions develop and manage AML compliance strategy and policies. 
Reducing cost with smarter policy
When budgets decrease, organisations have to administer their tasks with less resource. By understanding the rules and policy using a Decomplexification Model, organisations can achieve better results with a smarter budget.
Unravelling complex international regulations
Internationally operating organisations are subject to an abundance of treaties, international agreements as well as national legislation. A Legal Blueprint® provides insight in this complex world. It helps you to reduce complexity and costs while saving time by optimising your processes.
British tax laws decoded
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HRMC) has developed visualisation maps of legislation to understand the labyrinthine complexities of centuries of British tax laws. The visualisaton maps are used to decrease duplication and inconsistencies. The Independent has written an article about our collaboration.  
Untangling complexity using a Decomplexification Model®
Organisations don’t always know how the important parts of their business work when they want to make changes. Using the Juris Methodology® and the Visuall® tool you can visualise large amounts of information in ways that tell you more than you ever knew about your business, in a clear, insightful and appealing way.
Komplexität entwirren
Das Führen einer Organisation hat viele Aspekte und es ist schwierig, den genauen Überblick zu bekommen und auch zu behalten. Meistens geht es um das Zusammenwirken von Prozessen, Gesetzen und Verordnungen, Menschen und Mitteln mit zu vielen Details, um sich ein gutes Bild machen zu können. Mit der Juris Methode® und der Visuall® Software können Sie sehr viele Informationen übersichtlich darstellen und visualisieren, sodass Sie ein deutliches Bild von Ihrem Unternehmen bekommen und mehr von Ihrer Organisation erfahren als je zuvor.

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Juris bv
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2514 JC  The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)70-783 00 38
Chamber of Commerce nr 243 70 882